Friday, October 25, 2013


Charles just made me a chocolate cake bless his heart. I've been talking about eating a chocolate cake for days, and instead of letting me make it myself, he surprised me by making it before I got home from the temple yesterday. Woot.

Daddy's great. He feeds us chocolate cake. 

We also should probably go food shopping. We currently have a giant bag of tamales in the freezer and a bag of lemons in the fridge. We bought some ketchup the other day. 

Our fridge has all sorts of little knick knacks that could be combined into dinner happiness. Tomorrow night, corned beef and cabbage. 

Why do so many of my emails have to do with food? Probably because my life is so boring. I started a book: Edenbrooke. I still need to finish the Brother's Karamazov- getting closer to the end. However, a couple of my sisters read the Edenbrooke book and highly recommended it. I am enjoying it so far.

I have a talk on Faith Sunday. Charles will also be speaking. I'm glad, because sometimes he doesn't get all the recognition he should for how great he is. I mean, 80% of the time I am with him and am getting brainwashed day in and day out about how wonderful he is. The other 20% I'm at work and watching TV. I obviously have a very full and wonderful life.

I haven't started my talk yet, but it's sure to be interesting and vivacious and will hopefully help some people with their faith struggles- everyone has them.

This has been a good week for us. Uneventful, we haven't seen any people. Our weirdo, under the bridge status, has continued. Next week, Halloween. We can't be anti-social next week. Trick-or-treat! 

I also watched a sweet show a couple weeks ago: Tv series: The Last Enemy. Very good. 4.5 stars. I don't think I mentioned it. It has Benedict Cumberbatch. He seems to be in everything these days. I liked it.

We have a pumpkin at our house. Still empty. Can't put it outside, the cats will pee on it. This is a picture of our new bedding set. I know, we are now fancy people. 

Love, Merilee

Monday, October 7, 2013

Shepherd's Pie

Charles and I had that for dinner yesterday with taco meat we'd made out of the hamburger. It was what we already had. It was delicious. The great thing about having two people in your house, is you can make food one time, and eat it for the next three days. Or, if you get sick of it, you can freeze it. 

Another nice thing about having two people, is you can make sure there's always room in the freezer for the stuff you want to freeze. Charles things I'm kind of a crazy person because, well, I freeze everything. 

It's better not to freeze things for a long amount of time, because they gradually become unrecognizable blobs of substance. However, if you keep track of what you have, it's a wonderful thing, a freezer. 

Speaking of preservation, Amy, I had a beautiful red leaf I was pressing to send to you and now it's brown. So I tried, but unfortunately, if I send you leaves, I trow they will be brown by the time they reach you. Sorry.

Oh, I saw World War Z this weekend. Don't worry, America, we can watch it next week. It does have parts that will startle you. I am also easily startled, so maybe it was just me, but overall I enjoyed it. 

Rachel- Thanks for reading and always commenting. It's nice to hear from you, even though you live far away and don't have Facebook. 

Emily and Amanda, thank you for your positive affirmation. It's so lovely to hear from such great friends.

I got some Christmas gifts at a flea market I worked at Saturday. I was helping America sell her games, scarves, and yarn. She has quite a few boxes, and would like to have less of those things and mo problems (mo money).

I've been watching some new, and some old, shows. I would recommend the following, in no particular order:

1. Blacklist
2. Parenthood
3. Modern Family
4. The Middle 
5. Scandal
6. Nashville
7. Chicago Fire
8. Graceland
9. Marvel: Agents of SHIELD
10. Once Upon a Time in Neverland
11. Michael J. Fox Show

I'm still on the fence about #9 & 11. #10 has not yet started. However, I do want to give those last three a chance. 

Things I need to do this week:

1. Finish the Brother's Karamazov (Goal reminder: End of October)
2. Study up and get my drivers' license changed
3. Run/Exercise
4. Do my hair.
5. Wake up earlier. Strike that. Get up earlier. 

You're the greatest. Love, Mer

Friday, October 4, 2013


I don't like candy as much as I used to. And well, sometimes you just want it because you can't have it. So now I have some on my desk and supposedly one day I will eat it. It's the good stuff, peanut m&m's and twix. I'll probably give the peanut m&m's to Charles. 

I don't know if I told you this, but I got a haircut a couple weeks ago. Now I have a couple more layers in the front and the back is cut straight across, though you care little of such things.

Tonight we're doing a RS fellowshipping activity. We're going out to eat at BJ's. Whatever that is. So hopefully we'll all bond and stuff.

This weekend is General Conference. I'm pretty psyched. You should check it out if you're curious. It's a twice yearly world conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's prophets telling us how to feel our Heavenly Father's love in our lives. It's my fav. 

We made banana bread last night with fajitas. They're like bbq fajitas. Weird, but still good. They just had smoky spices in the package. It was unexpected. Charles got a flat and had to get 3 new tires, but luckily he had some coupon and got them all 3 for the price of 1. I don't know how that happened. 

I took my coworker to Best Buy and he bought World War Z. I heard that was good. I have not seen it. He gave me the DVD copy since he just wanted the Blue-Ray version. Woot. I hope I like it. 

I'm reading City of Bones- Sarah's right, it's not my fav. Kind of dumb. Whatever. Just another teen monster book. I'm almost done with the Brother's Karamazof. 

These are the fancy Friday cookies our boss got for us today.