Monday, August 12, 2013


That's cinnamon in Spanish. I really like cinnamon.  I do not like fish bones. That would be a pain- pulling fish bones out of your meals. I like eating without hassle- that's why deboning rocks my world. In Guatemala they left the bones in everything too. So you'd be eating soup and have to fish out bones. It's so messy. I eat like a 2 yr old anyway, so eating things that have already had the messy parts of the process taken care of is ideal. 

I keep having people ask if it's weird sleeping in the same bed with someone else. I guess I'm a deep sleeper, so it doesn't affect me much. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night, but I haven't been startled by having a man in my bed. Yet.

We had our other reception Saturday night. Both were decorated well- Great job Deane! Thanks for buying flowers and ritzing it up Mom, Dad, & Pam. Both had cake, fruit, and lemon water. We bought too much cake for both.

We had lots of friends and family attend. The first in UT had more family, the second in CA had more friends. The second had more of a program- which went unexpectedly well. Charles, good job planning the CA reception. Deane, good job planning the UT reception.

Now we have some gifts and cards and fancy things to populate our apartment. We need  to move in and put things in their respective places. Our apartment currently looks to be the domicile of hoarders. 

Luckily I have Charles. He is awesome. He has been off work, so he moved everything into the house and set up the shelves. He's handy. He also washes the dishes and makes me sandwiches. I love him. Thanks for being great Charles! 

I need to go to the DMV, the bank, and some other places to finalize my new name stuff. My nails are ready to pop off, but not quite there. I will be clipping them soon. My hair keeps getting caught under them. I haven't been able to do my hair for a week. Bummer. They still look pretty good though. They are growing a little long for me too. 

The church is true.


Rachel said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so bummed I missed your bridal shower AND reception - I am so lame. My deepest apologies :( I'll be begging for your address soon to send you more things to add to your hoarder-mountains. It will be good and classy. I'm so happy for you both!!!

Rachel said...

Also I met a baby this weekend who was allergic to cinnamon. How tragic is that?!

Brooke said...

We reallyreally wanted to come to your CA reception, but were in Utah. Backwards, I know. Anyway, I'm glad it was fun!