Friday, October 25, 2013


Charles just made me a chocolate cake bless his heart. I've been talking about eating a chocolate cake for days, and instead of letting me make it myself, he surprised me by making it before I got home from the temple yesterday. Woot.

Daddy's great. He feeds us chocolate cake. 

We also should probably go food shopping. We currently have a giant bag of tamales in the freezer and a bag of lemons in the fridge. We bought some ketchup the other day. 

Our fridge has all sorts of little knick knacks that could be combined into dinner happiness. Tomorrow night, corned beef and cabbage. 

Why do so many of my emails have to do with food? Probably because my life is so boring. I started a book: Edenbrooke. I still need to finish the Brother's Karamazov- getting closer to the end. However, a couple of my sisters read the Edenbrooke book and highly recommended it. I am enjoying it so far.

I have a talk on Faith Sunday. Charles will also be speaking. I'm glad, because sometimes he doesn't get all the recognition he should for how great he is. I mean, 80% of the time I am with him and am getting brainwashed day in and day out about how wonderful he is. The other 20% I'm at work and watching TV. I obviously have a very full and wonderful life.

I haven't started my talk yet, but it's sure to be interesting and vivacious and will hopefully help some people with their faith struggles- everyone has them.

This has been a good week for us. Uneventful, we haven't seen any people. Our weirdo, under the bridge status, has continued. Next week, Halloween. We can't be anti-social next week. Trick-or-treat! 

I also watched a sweet show a couple weeks ago: Tv series: The Last Enemy. Very good. 4.5 stars. I don't think I mentioned it. It has Benedict Cumberbatch. He seems to be in everything these days. I liked it.

We have a pumpkin at our house. Still empty. Can't put it outside, the cats will pee on it. This is a picture of our new bedding set. I know, we are now fancy people. 

Love, Merilee

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