Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Onions are my stalker

Onions. I like eating them. They taste good for the five minutes it takes to get them to my belly.  Then I remember what happened with them last time and the time before that. They stalked me. In my mouth, on my tongue; an effusion of onion. 

I read about brownies in a cup today. The recipe? 1/4 cup sugar; 1/4 cup flour; 2 tbsp cocoa; pinch salt; 2 tbsp oil; 3 tbsp water; mix and cook in the microwave for 1 min 40 seconds. Drop some ice-cream on top. Eat it. You are welcome. 

Food seems to be taking over my thoughts right now. This signifies I should probably exercise more, because then I can eat all the time, something I already do. Blast. Going to make more of an effort. 

A show I like- Scandal. Another show I like- Ready for Love. Why? I guess the drama manifested in these shows makes me grateful my life isn't full of such drama. 

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