Friday, April 19, 2013

Maybe it's a tuna? It's not a tuna-

Yes, it is a tuna can having fallen into my sink on its way to the pasta pot. It didn't want to be noodled. I had no idea with what Charles was messing in the sink, and when I finally looked over, I couldn't have been more amused. Ha. Let it be known he got it out before it fell all the way down- thank goodness, and without the aid of a butter knife. Into our pot went pasta, tuna, spaghetti sauce, green beans, and love. Lots of love. It was pretty good. 

Lately I have asked myself when I will grow out of braids. I then tell myself never and end the conversation. Braids are such a great way to keep yo hair out yo face. I have fine hair, so braids give it texture and body. A good braid will keep my creative juices flowing so I don't cut my hair every two months. Ask Sarah, it was once my favorite addiction.

On a different note, tagging commercials has shown me how many lovely infomercials are on tv these days. I am not a fan. 

I am a fan of Goodreads however. I love books and am currently reading four of them. So I finally got on that site and updated my book lists. Turns out I'm more excited about books than you thought. Also, it was the same as when I got onto Pinterest- I couldn't kick myself off. Now I can keep a real list of books I want to and have read. A public list, so people know I read. So people know I read good books and crappy books, just like you other people out in the world. 

Now you know, I'm not a perfect book chooser, but now you can know how I feel about all those books I read. Some I finish, even though I don't enjoy them. I will rate those so you know not to read them. This is my boyfriend Charles. Fishing for tuna. 

1 comment:

emilyfcutler said...

Fishing for tuna. Hehe